Worship Schedule

Sunday Worship - 9:30 am

You are welcome to participate in worship, hear the Gospel, and be in fellowship with us at any time! Our Sunday service is family friendly. In addition to a Children's Sermon, our recently remodeled nursery is available for use during worship and we offer kid friendly activity packets that can be found at the back of the church.

At all worship services at House of Prayer, all who desire to receive the body and blood of Christ are welcome at the Lord’s table. All of our Communion  bread is homemade, often made with milk and honey, so that we can “taste and see that the Lord is good.” Bread and wafers, wine and grape juice, and gluten-free wafers are expressions of this Eucharistic hospitality.

All is ready, and all are welcome. Receive what you are: the Body of Christ.
May we become what we receive.