Music Ministry
The Music Ministry at HOP is vibrant, inclusive and diverse. All those with musical talents are invited to share their gifts with the congregation often, but there are also opportunities for those without a musical background to participate in a learning setting
Please contact our Minister of Music, Lenae Badger, at [email protected] or 781-831-2588 if you have questions about or are interested in participating in the Music Ministry at HOP!

HOP's Adult Choir is open to singers high school age and up. The ability to read music is helpful, but not required. We rehearse on Sunday mornings at 8:30 a.m. and sing most Sundays between Sept. and June. The Minister of Music schedules a wide variety of music, including Classical, Gospel, Spirituals, settings of early American hymnody, Contemporary Christian and sometimes original compositions.
HOP's Children's Choir is for ages 4 through 6th grade and meets on an occasional basis. The children learn parts of the Lutheran liturgy and hymnody, (often introducing new hymns to the congregation!) as well as many age-appropriate anthems tied closely to the Sunday scripture lessons. We often ring handbells and add percussion instruments to anthems or hymns, and serve as the Cantor on the Sundays we sing in church.
For those unable to make a weekly commitment, several times during the year there are opportunities to join a Men's Ensemble, Women's Ensemble or Pick-Up Choir, where only one or two rehearsals are needed.
In past years, the Adult Choir has presented a Christmas cantata during worship which consisted of multiple anthems interspersed with scripture readings or narration, and always included congregational participation on well-known carols.
In the past, the Children's Choir has performed a Christmas musical during worship in December/January that presents the story of Christ's birth in song and dialogue. The have also presented a Biblically-based musical in the spring. All children who wish to have a singing solo are given that opportunity in the musicals, and most have speaking lines as well. These musicals give the children valuable experience performing in front of a group and teach them important skills of speaking loudly and clearly, acting and simple choreography, all while making a personal connection to the Bible story.
HOP owns a 3-octave set of White Chapel handbells, and in recent years has had a Handbell Choir, but we are without a Director at present. Perhaps the next director could be YOU!
For special occasions, there have been instrumental concerts at HOP featuring in-house musicians. One concert included 22 HOP musicians on 11 different instruments! We also held a Choral/Vocal Concert to feature our singers.
To learn more about our space, click here. If you are interested in holding a musical event at HOP, contact Barb Mullin in the church office or use this link: [email protected] for more information.