
Letter from Christian Leaders Decrying Violence Against Jews

Sacred Space is a joint venture of the Irish Jesuits and Loyola Press. You can find it online at I tend to buy the printed version each year. It starts in Advent and goes through the church year. It’s the devotional practice I’m most faithful to. If I’m going to be away, I just tear out the pages for the days I’ll be gone.

Daily Devotional is an online devotion produced by the United Church of Christ. You can subscribe to it at [email protected]. I like it because it’s short, down-to-earth, timely, and includes some of my favorite writers – like Mary Luti and Quinn Caldwell. And it just shows up in my email each day.

God Pause is a daily devotion written by Luther Seminary faculty and students, and it most often focuses on a verse of a hymn and a bit of scripture. They’re offering an Advent daily devotional, “Joy to the World,” and you can subscribe at

Franciscan Richard Rohr offers “Daily Meditations and Weekly Summaries [that] explore the contemplative foundations of Christianity.” I like his perspective on faith and his theology around non-dualistic thinking. Go to Rohr’s Center for Action and Contemplation to subscribe: